Title: Budapest-London: Exchanging artistic research
Location: The Red Room, Chelsea College of Art and Design
09.30 Arrival and coffee
10.30 Artistic doctorate in the UK Stephen Scrivener (CCW)
11.00 Artistic doctorate in Hungary Balàzs Kicsiny (HUFA Doctoral School)
11.30 Discussion (Chairs) Kicsiny and Scrivener
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Doctoral presentation 1 Nemere Kerezsi (HUFA Doctoral School)
13.30 Doctoral presentation 2 Aaron McPeake (CCW)
14.00 Doctoral presentation 3 Kata Soós (HUFA Doctoral School)
14.30 Doctoral presentation 4 Katrine Hjelde (CCW)
15.00 Tea/coffee break
15.30 Doctoral presentation 5 Szabolcs Süli-Zakar (HUFA Doctoral School)
16.00 Doctoral presentation 6 Michaela Ross (CCW)
16.30 Discussion and close (Chairs) Kicsiny and Scrivener
The morning session will contextualise the afternoon session by describing and discussing the frameworks regulating doctoral research doctoral degree programmes at each of the participating institutions. After lunch, recent doctoral degree holders from each school will talk about the research they undertook during their doctoral degrees.
*Recalculating, Triangle Space, Chelsea College of Art and Design, 16 John Islip St., London, SW1P 4JU, April 24th-27th 2013.
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