Exhibition proposal for Triangle Gallery
Floating Balconies
Video installation (sheets, fan, rope, 4 projected stills) 2011-2012
Video installation (sheets, fan, rope, 4 projected stills) 2011-2012
These balconies could be anywhere in Eastern-Central Europe, like in Miskolc,in Belgrade or in Bratislava. Balconies of these type of flats at the same time universal – still bear traces of the socialist dictatorship – however like the backyard gardens it has been characterized by owners.
Sugar Factory
Lenticular Print, mounted on extruded polystyrene, 70x100cm.
HD videoloop. 2010-2013
In 2008 in the town of Szerencs, the most important industry, the sugar and chocolate
factory closed. It was the city’s most famous face which had been working for over a hundred years, it has disappeared with the closure of the factory. Over a hundred workers were gradually fired, there were no demonstrations. Once a year the workers,after their morning routine, go to the factory, as if to go to work, they reach the gate which is now permanently closed. This film documents their gathering as a performance.
I asked people to stop for a moment and look into the gate of the factory, in the video then slowly fade in the gate, as they become part of it.
Above the clock of the gate, the original title ‘Sugar Factory’ has been changed to Happy New Year – Forever Living, which can be seen from different view in the lenticular photo.
1976, Debrecen (Hungary)www.suli-zakart.com
Qualifications, Memberships:
2009- Hungarian University of Fine Arts,
DLA programme,
2007-2009 University of Pécs, Hungary, DLA
2005 University of Pécs, Hungary, visual
education teacher, (MA)
2000 University of Szeged, geography - Szeged,
Hungary, (MSc)
2000 Gyula Juhász Teacher’s college, Szeged, (BA)
2008- member of Studio of Young Artists Association
2004 member of the Association of Hungarian
Creative Artists
Prizes, scholarships:
2010- “Gyula Derkovits” National Art Award
2010 Space Gallery, Bratislava
2009 National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Scholarship
2004 “Young Art” in Europe Award, Grand Prize,
Paderborn, Germany
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
Critical Aspects of Social co-Existence, Stúdió
Lajos Vajda, Szentendre – with Éva Ludman
Autodafe. Small Synagogue Contemporary
Gallery, Eger Hungary – with Attila Szabó
Breath, Public sound- and video installation,
MODEM, Debrecen –with Sándor Imreh
Monument & Denatural, Lajos Vajda
Studio, Szentendre – with Attila Szabó
Horizon , Medgyessy Museum and
Contemporary Gallery, Debrecen
Horizon, Magyar Műhely Galéria,
Budapest, curator: Erika Baglyas
Selected Group Exhibitions:
Good Sign - Gallery by Night, FKSE, Budapest,
curator: Balázs Beöthy, Luca Ménesi
Anatomy of Integration, Sculpture Quadrennial
Riga, curators: Aigars Bikše, Inese
Baranovska, Ivars Drulle
Crazycurators Biennale IIII
Bratislava, Slovakia,
curators: Juraj Čarný, Katarína Slaninová
Csepel Works. Univ. of Fine Arts and the Univ.
of the Arts London CCW, Labor, Budapest
Rezidens, Space Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia,
curators: Juraj Čarný, Katarína Slaninová
Visible & Invisible, Artmill, Szentendre,
curator: Máté Csató
“Qui Vive?”
2nd Moscow International
Biennale for Young Art, Russia
curator: Daria Pyrkina
12th Nord Art, Büdelsdorf, Germany
curator: Wolfgang Gramm
1st Danubiana Biennale, Damubiana
Meulensteen Art Museum, Slovakia
Medgyessy Museum and
Contemporary Gallery, Debrecen
Blocked Disbursement,
acb Gallery,
Budapest, curator: Anna Lénárd
“Young Contemporary Statements”,
Zsolnay Manufactory, Pécs, curator: Sári Stenczer
Street ‘08, “Club Gödör”, Budapest,
curator: Anna Lénárd, Attila Szabó
Transmit and transparent
13th International
Biennial Print Exhibition, ROC, Taiwan, curators:
Pao-Hsia Hsueh, Ling-Hui Hung, Yu-Chin Huang
MODEM Centre for Modern
and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen
curator: Eike, Attila Szabó
Prix Ars Electronica, CyberArts, Linz, Austria
Athens Video Art Festival 07
Greece, curator: Hlias Chatzichristodoulou
Pouffee (public intervention) at the official
opening of the MODEM
4th International Graphic Biennial,
Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia,
curator: Vladimir Nazanckij
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